3 eBooks for $13.40

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3 ePUB for $13,40

NATO – An Entity Set on Disaster

They Created a Bloody 20th Centry Part 1

They Created a Bloody 20th Centry Part 2


3 e-books – NATO – An Entity Set on Disaster + They Created a Bloody 20th Centry part 1 + Part 2

A unique opportunity to order all three E-books for only 13,40 USD.

NATO’s transition from being a defense organization to functioning as a tool for US imperialism has only been possible with the highly manipulated and controlled global mass media infrastructure. The result is a NATO which regards international law and human survival as unworthy trifles, and which prioritizes the quest to realize the unassailable will of the United States — to establish world domination.

They Created a Bloody 20th Century part 1 and part 2 are solid and reshaping historical documents that reveals, with powerful source material, the driving forces and actors behind the greatest and bloodiest disasters of our time.